Advent + Christmas Service Opportunities

Toiletry Kit Assembly | December 1 | 11:30 am

Part of our Advent Festival will include a service project component: assembling toiletry kits for community members in need. Welcoming the Advent season also means remembering all those Jesus remembered, including those who need an extra hard (or toothbrush or pair of socks).

Serving Meals at Transitions | December 1 | 4:50 pm

The first Sunday of every month, we gather at Transitions Homeless Center (2025 Main Street) and serve meals to those who are food and housing insecure. Face masks and hats (or hairnets) are required. Click here to sign up online. Contact Rev. John Cook with questions.

Shandon Helping Families | through December 15

This year our Shandon Helping Families ministry will provide books for the children and gift cards for older students of the Weekend Backpack Food Program (A.C. Moore and Rosewood elementary schools and Dreher High School), plus grocery gift cards for Meals on Wheels recipients. Visit our virtual giving tree or physical tree in the Church Office to choose a “tag” to help provide a little Christmas joy for the families whom Shandon supports throughout the year.  All gift cards and books need to be dropped off by Sunday, December 15. For the books, no gift bags, please.

Alternative Gift Market | through December 30

This annual event provides an easy and meaningful way to honor your family and friends by making donations in their names. Three organizations will benefit this year: This year’s supported organizations are: Harvest Hope Food Bank, Cafe Justo Fair Trade Coffee, and Transitions Homeless Center. Click here and choose ‘Alternative Gift Market’ to give.

Serving Meals at Transitions | January 5 | 4:50 pm

The first Sunday of every month, we gather at Transitions Homeless Center (2025 Main Street) and serve meals to those who are food and housing insecure. Face masks and hats (or hairnets) are required. Click here to sign up online. Contact Rev. John Cook with questions.