Do I have to be a member?

No. You can be as active in our congregation as you like, whether you are a member or not. We don’t treat members any differently than non-members. This includes worship and sharing in communion (the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper). For baptism, we ordinarily require one member of the family to be a member, because the congregation makes promises to care for and support the individual (infant, child, or adult) being baptized. (As you’ll see below, being a member is mainly about making a commitment to a community.)

Why join, then?

Joining is relational, not transactional. It’s not about what you “get” — it’s about a community to which you commit yourself. The world can be a hard, lonely, competitive place. Joining Shandon is a chance to find a place where you are welcome just the way you are. Joining Shandon is also about being part of a group of people convinced that following Jesus makes a difference and changes lives. Our Christian faith helps us see the world in a more hopeful light and compels us to live in the world in ways that make it better for everyone.

Do I have to agree with everything or believe all the same things?

No, you don’t. We ask people two theologically-oriented questions when they join. First, “Do you understand yourself to be a child of God, a recipient of God’s grace?” And second, “Do you turn away from every expression of evil in this world and turn toward Jesus?” If you can answer those questions in the affirmative, that’s all it takes. We are clear about other beliefs we hold to as a congregation, but you don’t have to agree with us or think all the same things. We do, however, expect everyone to be respectful of one another, regardless of any differences.

Joining Shandon Presbyterian Church

We’re so glad you’re interested in joining! Every couple of months, we host a “Tell Me More About Shandon” gathering. Everyone is welcome. We make sure you know the basics about our church and a bit about what it means to be Presbyterian. More than anything, though, we want you to bring your questions. Curious about what you “have” to believe? Looking for volunteer service opportunities? Eager for community? Longing for someone to explain why we do what we do? Desperate for someone to give you a tour of the building? We’ll cover any questions you bring and get to know each other better along the way. After attending one of those sessions (or after meeting with a pastor, if your schedule doesn’t align with ours too easily), you are welcome to join whenever the time feels right for you. We schedule a “New Members Sunday” shortly after each “Tell Me More” gathering. For more information, or to make sure you’re on the email list for the next gathering, email Jenny.

Do I have to pay membership dues?

No. We don’t have membership dues. No fees are “assessed” to you. Giving is entirely optional — but we do create opportunities for you to express your faith through generosity and giving. On a practical level, we have a building that requires maintenance and we have staff we need to pay. Beyond that, we are committed to loving our neighbors in many ways, including financial support of many community organizations that provide food, shelter, and other resources to those in need. Being the church in today’s world has a financial cost to it, and we depend upon the generosity of members and friends alike to ensure we can continue to keep being a tangible expression of God’s love in Columbia and beyond.