Lent & Easter Worship Services
Ashes to Go | March 5 | 7:30-9 am
Get an early start to observing Ash Wednesday. Pastors will be outside the Sanctuary on Woodrow Street — walk up or drive through to receive ashes with a brief blessing.
Ash Wednesday | March 5 | 6:10 pm
Join us for dinner at 5:15 pm in Davis Hall (part of our regularly-scheduled SOW dinners) followed by our Ash Wednesday service at 6:10 pm. This service has been intentionally designed to be meaningful for all ages. Communion will be served.
Palm Sunday | April 13 | 10:30 am
The children of the church and the Chancel Choir will gather on the Sanctuary steps at 10:20 to prepare for our annual Palm Processional. (Adults are welcome to accompany their children if needed or desired.) The service itself is a celebration of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and serves as the entry into Holy Week. The Chancel Choir and the Children’s Choir will lead worship.
Maundy Thursday | April 17 | 7 pm
This service commemorates the institution of the Lord’s Supper as we are reminded of Jesus’s command to "love one another.” This service takes place in the Sanctuary.
Good Friday | April 18 | 7 pm
This evening Tenebrae service includes the slow extinguishing of candles as the story of Jesus’ final hours is read aloud. Music interspersed with brief periods of silence invite solemn reflection. This service takes place in the sanctuary.
Easter Sunday | April 20 | 9 am (front lawn) & 11 am (Sanctuary)
We’ll celebrate the resurrection all morning long. The early service (9 am) takes place outdoors on the front lawn (rain plan: Sanctuary) with music led by a soloist and keyboard. The later service (11 am) takes place indoors in the Sanctuary with music led by the Chancel Choir, organ, and brass. In between, at 10 am, join us for a big potluck breakfast in the Activity Center.